Unlock Your Growth Potential: Lessons From My Entrepreneurial Journey

When I started my first business back in 1992, there was no such thing as business coaching. All that existed back then was trial and error to try and run a business successfully. It took me a lot of time and frustration to finally get things working properly, but eventually, my partner and I did it—and the first business is still running strong today. So when I started my second business in 2016, I wanted more than just trial and error. I wanted advice and guidance on how best to run this new endeavor, especially in the virtual space.

That’s when I stumbled upon Business Made Simple –a process-oriented approach to building, managing, and growing businesses with ease. Created by Don Miller, the genius behind Storybrand, I was already a fan of his marketing frameworks so I picked up a copy of his book Business Made Simple. The book and the business frameworks absolutely resonated with me as it was process driven. After taking the course myself, I knew it would be the perfect accompaniment to my 30 years of experience as a business owner, so I became certified as a Business Made Simple coach.

Now equipped with the material assets to construct a solid foundation for my new business, I felt so in control as a business owner. Assets like a focused mission statement, clarified marketing messaging, simple sales scripts and a sales funnel, and a better process to manage cash flow are the guideposts and help me see the direction my company to grow and scale. (I'm currently redesigning my website thanks to Marketing Made Simple - Don's other fabulous book) With the right frameworks in place, I can help business owners build their solid foundations and create success.

Zephyr Business Coaching was created from the merging of the BMS methodology with my entrepreneurial experience. Zephyr, named after the gentle west wind guides business leaders with a six-month program to help them construct sound foundations, enabling them to manage their businesses efficiently. Our framework is scalable and conducive to growth – empowering strong leadership and optimizing operations so companies can benefit from improved performance.

In conclusion, I'm proud to have started my second business and I'm even more proud to be able to help other business leaders do the same. With Business Made Simple, I was guided step by step in building exactly what I needed to easily run my new venture. I am sharing a link to Don Miller's books that changed my belief that owning a business should be hard. Business can be a ton of fun!

Don't want to do it alone? Book a Call and join our coaching program!


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